Friday, February 24, 2012

Instead of grading papers...

I'm adding a picture to my blog and trying to motivate myself...I don't think the personal pep talk is working, though.  I just want to nap.

I spent the day in Shreveport, helping Dr. DuBose with his talk, then went to a looooong lunch with two favorite frends.  And, of course, I had to go to World Market and spend some the time I came home, I was tired and too relaxed to give serious thought to anything.

Except...the hens are digging in the new run, so I need to "plant" some wire around the bottom, and I need to do that tomorrow.  I also need to fence the new garden box to try to keep the cats out.  They decimated two eggplants.

I received my "Farmgirl Sisterhood" badge from MaryJane's Farm.  MJF is one of my most favorite magazines, so joining wasn't a hard decision.  It's a great way to connect with other women who are interested in self-sufficiency; I learn a great deal from reading their stories.

Here's the badge, sewn on my bluejean jacket:

And, for fun, here's a picture of a cat in a cube:

That's Ginger Baker enjoying her new toy!

Hope you're having a great week.  I think I'm going to bed early.


Lizard said...

I understand lack of motivation. It seems I have days that are worse than others. I keep trying to start projects and I still haven't been able to start or finish any of them. Lately, the only things I have done lately is go to work and school. I did make chalkboard wine glasses a couple weeks ago. They turned out great and I ended up giving them to my MawMaw for her birthday. I want to make at least 3 more sets but there hasn't been time. I also want to make a picture frame I found. I hope things slow down enough for me to do the fun projects I want to do. I think all you are doing is awesome. I wish I had a hobby to keep up with the way you do. I know you will find your motivation. Mainly because you have to. Or you could just not grade the papers and give us all an A. Hahahaha. Just joking. Good luck.

Katie0491 said...

I've had the same problem this week, I just want to take a nap! I haven't gotten much done around the house or for my classes :/ I'm thinking those two days off gave me a bit too much freedom!

dotsmom said...

I'm thinking of changing my middle name to "nap." The word comes out of my mouth more often than I like to admit!