Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Good Day for Yard Work...

So I spent most of the day out in the yard, burning limbs that had fallen after the last big storms, trying to mow more of my yard ( a never-ending chore!), and planting a peach tree. I've included a picture of the peach tree (it actually has peaches on it, but I don't think they'll survive the transplanting!) before transplanting.

The garden is doing fine. I try to water it every morning, when I can. I've been monitoring it every day. Let's see if I can get a picture of that in here, too. The tomatoes and peppers are doing well; the squash may make it, but the watermelon is a goner. Not enough cold weather to set the plants, I guess.
I've read a set of papers, but I think I'm going to put off reading blogs until tomorrow. I'm pooped! And I'll have two sets of papers to read tomorrow, too. Sigh! But the semester is almost over and I'll be sad when these students move on, so I better enjoy them while I can.
Oh, and I almost forgot--I went to the star party at Worley Observatory last night. It was great. I saw the moon (several views), Saturn, and the Horsehead Nebula in the Orion constellation, as well as Venus. Totally cool! The next star party is on May 19; I think more people should attend, though the Astronomy Club had quite a turn out.


CrackHeadforTennis said...

Mrs. Smith, thank you so much for your comments. Please go see Grindhouse. Unfortunately, the publicity has died down, but you will not hear those words come out of my mouth. Those movies have changed me. Two movies back to back. Classic. I love your peach tree. You are lucky to have a peach tree. I think that it is cool that you have time to grow fruits and vegetables. I hope you liked my 2nd draft. I will see you in class. I'm sad that you will not be my English teacher anymore.

Shardai Dill

dotsmom said...

Well, I may not be your English teacher, but I can always be your friend!

And of course I liked your second draft!

K. Smith