Friday, February 17, 2012

Addition to the Chicken Coop

Yes, I should be reading drafts and otherwise grading assignments for my students.  Instead, I added a run to the chicken coop.

I ordered this one instead of building it myself, and, while I'm pleased with it, I think I'll just stick to making my own.  The hardware cloth really is much bigger than I like, so I need to add some with a tighter weave to the bottom--and, of course, dig a trench to bury said wire.

For the time being, though, it will work.  When the ground dries out a bit, I'll finish it off.

The girls like it, and that's what counts!

They didn't even wait for me to exit after I cut the wire that divided the bottom of the hen house from the new run. I was cutting wire while they were trying to eat the buttons on my jacket!

I need to make this more raccoon-proof, but I'll do that over the next couple of days.  I can still reach the nesting box to gather eggs, and I have a small door where I can reach in to close the hatch at night.

It gives them more space, and they need that.
The chicken yard looks a bit like an airport, with its various terminals!


Linda said...

It looks like your addition was a success. I saw another idea on Pinterest that I forwarded to your email. Have a great weekend!

Penny said...

Oh I love this...this is exactly what we are going to have to do for us to beable to have chickens with all the coyotes we have...thanks for the pics.

dotsmom said...

Thanks, Linda. I'll check email for that.

Wow, Penny. All the way from Georgia! Thanks for the comment. I'll check out your blog as soon as I finish reading the blogs my students have posted.
