Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Garden Box...

It's not finished yet, but it will be as soon as I buy more dirt.

I had the hairbrained idea to create another garden box.  I went out, looking for pallets to make a vertical garden, but couldn't find any.  So, I went to the hardware store and bought 12 cinder blocks.

Here's what I made:

I'll post another pic as soon as I plant the "holes."  I plan to alternate flowers and herbs.  So far, I've planted two holes of marigolds and a cinnamon basil.

Inside the garden, I've planted corn and bean seeds, squash and cucumber plants, and I stuck in a couple of rununculus bulbs.  I want to make it friendly to the bees to encourage them to hang around.  They swarmed the Mayhaws when those bloomed, so I'm hoping they've stuck around.

This is so much better than whining about car repairs.  Now, if I could just get my iPad back up and running, the world will be a better place!


KatB said...

What a great garden idea! About how much dirt did you use to fill in that area?

Bouney said...

I must not know what to do what herbs and such.I know alot of people plant those things; to me, I feel more gratification seeing an actual fruit. I know what to do with that. I can "can" it or cut it up and freeze it. Every year I have good intentions of using the vegetables that I put but most of the time it just goes to waste, either the freezer door gets left open or it gets old and freezer burns. I think mostly the reason why I do a garden every year is because just "Spring"! I love to watch things grow!!

thEMAN said...

looking good! Nice start!

Linda said...

I have seen the vertical idea with pallets in pictures but have not tried it or seen it in person. Have you tried it before? I was thinking of trying a vertical garden too.Keep posting! We will watch your garden grow!

dotsmom said...

Kristen--four cubic yards--four bags of garden soil; plus about four bags of garden soil plus composted manure for the holes in the blocks. I'll need to add more before I replant, I'm sure.

dotsmom said...

Linda, I've seen those vertical gardens, too, and really want to try one. I've been searching for pallets, but everyone around here seems to recycle them.