Saturday, October 08, 2011

Crazy Gardening!

Right about now, I'd be ripping up old growth in my gardens and planting for the fall/winter.  Just as I decided to do that, however, my garden exploded.  I have so many eggplant, watermelons, bell peppers and tomatoes--more than I had all summer.  It's insane!  I've been out taking pictures.  Here are a few!

I really  don't want more of the heat we had this summer.  But I'd love for the current weather to continue--with a bit of rain, of course!

Since I didn't have any papers to grade today, I spent the morning weeding one of my gardens.  It was so overgrown; I'm embarrassed to admit it.  But it looks good now, and I found a surprise--a baby Agave!

I have a larger Agave, about two years old, that my daughter gave me.  I guess I need to find out how these propagate; I might end up with a garden full of Agave!

That's my exciting day not grading papers--and it isn't over yet!

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