Sunday, June 10, 2007

In High Grass...

Okay, that's it. I'm not spending one more minute trying to mow an acre with an electric lawn mower. I went out yesterday around 11am; the temp was already near 90 degrees, and I managed to mow a square of lawn before the sweat blinded me. Tomorrow, I'm going to Lowe's to buy a riding lawnmower. The temps won't get any cooler, really, and this is only June. Besides, I don't really have 10 hours a week to mow the grass. I can only go for an hour or two a day before I collapse in a puddle on the living room floor--I'm useless for the rest of the day. At this rate, I have to mow some of the grass every day. And, of course, after a week, I have to start over, so it's a never-ending chore. At least a riding mower will help me dispatch this job more quickly. The picture shows part of the backyard; walk to the right, and you'll find more. I took this picture to show the fence my neighbor was putting up.

I have a long list of "needs"--a tiller (I want to plant a ton of flower beds and enlarge the garden, and I can rent it out to my friends!), a wheelbarrow, a ladder. I just keep adding to the list of necessities. When I bought my house, I had forgotten about all this. When you rent, you don't worry about cleaning out the gutters or sweeping the pine straw off the roof; you might have to mow the yard, but the yard's usually not that big; and, generally, the landlord's not overly enthusiastic if you dig up half the yard for a garden.

I'm also wondering if I should buy a chain saw (it would need to be extremely light-weight so that I could handle it) since I'm constantly dealing with large limbs that fall when the wind kicks up. I mostly drag those to the burn pile, but some of the limbs are too much for me to drag, even.

Women with power tools! I love it! I can remember how excited I was when I bought my drill/electric screwdriver. I couldn't wait to try it out; I went all through my house hanging curtains! I love to master tools. One day, I may actually buy a table saw and start building my own bookcases.


Jimmy said...

I love to mow in the middle of the summer...It is a great way to get a tan. I know how the push mower businsess goes, but I dont think I could ever go over to the dark side and buy a riding lawn mower, unless I had to mow a couple of acres.

I put some pictures of my sister's apartment on there. My camera does not take very good pictures because it is a digital camcorder and does not take high resolution shots.

CrackHeadforTennis said...

Hey Mrs. Smith! Like Jimmy, I also love to mow lawns. Great for exercise, if you don't like to exercise everyday. I would love to ride a riding lawnmower. I never rode one. I don't mow anymore because I'm not at home a lot. My dad took my job. Hope that you are having a good summer despite the fact that you are teaching summer classes. From what I saw, your backyard looks great. Great yard for baseball. I will chit chat with you later. Love always.

A Simple Song of Hope said...

tomorrow, meaning a few hours from now...I might come pick your brain about a topic for my Am. Lit. research paper...
I am at a loss.

dotsmom said...

Thanks for the comments, guys. I'll check your blogs and leave messages.

Kathleen Smith